Friday, March 22, 2013


You all were outstanding!  Some of you made us wait until show time to see what you could really do....put the stress on us but thank you to everyone for knocking it out of the park last night!

We had a stellar opening night!  Now we just have to keep the momentum going.  I'm sure everyone will be buzzing about the show so we have to deliver EACH night! 

Some notes:

George and Robert: Don't be timid on those taps.  Even in the beginning, Robert.  You guys have it down and the audience ate it up.  Really make some noise on that stage!  Such a cute number!

Janet: Show off was great!  Thank you for covering and filling every single moment to moment.  That track is difficult but you've made it work.  

Show off singers/dancers:  Thank you Thank you!  The vocals were spot on!  And you anticipated your entrance.  Muah!

Aldo and Feld: Yes!  Much better scene with playing off of each other.  Keep going with the chemistry.  It's a tough thing to be on top of the tempo and keep the energy up BUT still hold for the many many laughs in that scene.  So try to juggle both!

Everyone:  Awesome cover getting back on track with Toledo Surprise.  I knew I took a risk using an updated track but it does sound much better.  

***I'd like to run Toledo Surprise Part 2 (Where Feldzieg starts) PROMPTLY at 6:00.  On the stage!  With tech crew.  This should allow us to get familiar with the track.  Then we will proceed with Mic check immediately following.  Don't let this delay your get ready process we will still start on time at 7:00.  ***

I didn't take many notes on second act... I was just in awe!  Let's break legs again tonight!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

In response to last night....

I know we had some drama.  I have lots of opinions on the whole matter,  believe you me.  BUT we cannot go and talk poorly of our production.  Don't kill ticket sales for a little gripe party about the administration.  It is what it is.  Our production is still funny, intelligent, colorful, and tells the story we are meant to tell. 

Our job on Thursday, Friday and Saturday is to entertain and I know without a doubt that our audience will be.  Our job is to transport them to a new world.  Invite the audience on a journey to the 1920's.  To lift them up when they are feeling blue.  To let reality fade and fantasy take over... even if it's only for an hour or two. 

No one will get in our way of putting on a fantastic show.  Break a leg! 

Monday, March 18, 2013



You guys are SO ready for an audience!  

Tomorrow's rehearsal... We have some people coming in to watch rehearsal and a few people to come and take pictures SO we will need to do costumes for the first run through.

Please get into costume and microphones, set props, and be prepared to go at 4:00.

Our makeup helper is going to be there tomorrow.  We will do FULL makeup.  Bringing stuff to pull your hair out of your face!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Track List

I will be burning CD's for you.  You must Learn these tracks backwards and forwards.

1. Fancy Dress
2. Cold Feets
3. Show Off - Play off - Encore
4. Stumble Along
5. Aldolpho
6. Aldolpho Ending
8. Toledo Surprise
9. Toledo Surprise (2)
10. Finale
11. Brides Lament
12. Love is Always Lovely
13. I Do 1
14. I Do 2
15. Finale

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

More Paint

COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY.  I need about 6-8 hard working people to help me finish up the base colors on all the walls.  I would greatly appreciate it!

We have to put the blue on and maybe some grey texturing.  Then a base Yellow on the flip sides of the flying flats.  This should be almost all roller work and should go fast.

I would really like to do it Friday after we are done with rehearsal please let me know if you would like to help.  Or Saturday evening after 6:00 or Sunday anytime.  Thanks!

9 Days Left!!!

We are so close to having props completed.  Those of you that have volunteered to bring the final items in...Thank you so much!

Still NEED:  -
Glassware (water glasses, martini glass) - Mrs. Fruits
Umbrella Stand - Chantel?  Jordan Harrison?
Mop/Swiffer - Sheraya?  Autumn?
20'sish Phone - David Samuelsen, Hunter Patterson
Yoga Mat - Chantel, Taylor
Aldolpho Cape - David Samuelsen - red or black
PitchPipe - Mrs. Fruits
Hula Hoop - Alex

Everyone should have ALLL their stuff for their costumes.  We will load everything into the dressing rooms by Thursday.  Come early to get into your costume.  You need to have plans for your hair and make up.  I will need to see this before performances.  Don't look sloppy when you go on the elementary school tour!  Bring in your hair/makeup stuff to store in the dressing rooms.  I don't want anyone to not have what they need for a performance because they left it at home!

YOU SHOULD BE MARKETING THE SHOW!!!!  You should be telling everyone!  Have your church put it in the bulletin!  Make an announcement at ALL of your extra curricular activities.  Have your parents email ALL your friends and family members.  You should be inviting ALL your friends and family via the Facebook event!  Ask your parents to talk to their groups of friends...We need the adults to know...they are the ones that pay for the tickets.  The more people we have in the audience the more fun you will have performing it.  SELL TICKETS!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tonight's rehearsal cancelled!!!

Tuesday, March 5 rehearsal is canceled.  We will make up this rehearsal time on Thursday March 7 at 5 o'clock. Thursdays rehearsal will begin in the choir room. Then we will move into the Auditorium for a run through from six to 830. Please I adjust your schedules appropriately